While Apple was receiving kudos for the Power Macintosh, the company
happily announced its quarterly earnings. In the 1995 BYTE Magazine
Readers' Choice Awards, BYTE Magazine readers voted the Apple Power
Macintosh as Best Hardware Product of the Year and Apple's Newton
MessagePad Best Hand-held Product of the Year. At the same time, Apple
announced that unit shipments exceeded one million for the third consecu-
tive quarter. To date, 1.4 million Power Macintoshes have been shipped.
For the second fiscal quarter, ending March 31, 1995, Apple's revenues were $2.65 billion, a 28% increase over the second quarter a year ago. Unit shipments increased by more than 20% compared with the same quarter a year ago. Net income for the quarter was $73 million (or $0.59 a share) compared to $17 million (or $0.15 a share) in the same quarter a year ago.
This year promises to be a big one for new Apple products, with a second generation of PCI PowerPC’s due in a few months and a slew of new color peripherals on the horizon. The onslaught began in April with the release of the Power Macintosh 5200/75 LC (profiled in News) and continued with the following product announcements:
In an effort aimed at increasing market share and cross-platform compa-
tibility, Apple has introduced the LC 630 DOS Compatible in US. education
channels. The unit sports a processor daughter card (based upon Apple’s
previous DOS Compatible efforts) featuring a 486DX2 66MHz processor.
Like its older sibling, the Power Macintosh 6100/66 DOS Compatible, the
LC 630 DOS Compatible ships with MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 preinstalled
and permits the simultaneous operation of both operating systems. The LC 630 can be equipped with multimedia options such as the Apple Video and Apple TV/Video cards, and can accommodate a modem or Ethernet networking card in its Communications Slot. The LC 630 DOS Compatible ships with a 500MB IDE hard drive and an internal CD-ROM drive. The processor daughtercard will not be sold separately. Educational pricing for the system (including keyboard and monitor) is $1899 U.S. A product announcement has not yet been made is Canada.
Capitalizing on the success of its LC, Quadra and Performa 630 series,
Apple has introduced a simple hybrid system which combines the features
of the 630 series and the all-in-one form factor of the LC 575. Virtually
identical in appearance to the 575 (or Performa 570 series), the new LC
580 sports a 66/33MHz 68040 processor, an integrated 14” display, a
500MB hard drive, a double-speed CD-ROM drive, a built-in microphone,
stereo speakers, and slew of expansion slots. Like the 630, the LC 580 offers an LC processor direct slot, a Communications Slot, and open slots for Apple’s video-in and television tuner cards. Like previous 040-based LC models, the unit can be upgraded to PowerPC with Apple’s Macintosh Processor Upgrade. The unit, which is currently only available in US. education channels, carries a price of $1349 U.S. A product announcement has not yet been made is Canada.
Replacing the antiquated StyleWriter II, the new StyleWriter 1200
sports a 720 by 360 dpi (dots per inch) printing mode for smooth
edges and crisp text on black and white documents. The inkjet printer
outputs greyscale documents at 360x360 dpi and offers three pages per
minute printing in normal print mode. Like the StyleWriter II, it contains a built-in power supply with standard AC cord and comes with a new version of the Apple Chooser that allows for Desktop printing even without QuickDraw GX installed. Also available are 2-Up and 4-Up printing modes and optional watermarks (including Confidential, Contract, Do Not Copy, Draft, Final, FYI, Personal and Proposal; any PICT or PICT2 file can also be used as a watermark). The U.S. ApplePrice for the StyleWriter 1200 is $269. Though not yet announced, the printer is expected to soon be available in Canada.
The QuickTake 150 is an enhanced version of Apple's QuickTake
100 digital color camera. The new model offers enhance performance
without an increase in price. Improved compression technology has allowed
the default resolution to be increased to 640x480; the QuickTake 150 can capture 32 standard quality images or 16 high-quality images at 24-bit color. A snap-on, close up lens system with flash diffuser lets users capture high-quality images from just ten to 14 inches away. The Macintosh version of the camera now comes with PhotoFlash 2.0 and QuickTake Image Access software in both 68K and PowerPC native versions. Both the QuickTake 150 for Macintosh and the QuickTake 150 for Windows are priced at $739 U.S. ($995 Cdn.). Cross platform connection kits ($99 U.S.) and a software developers kit ($49.95 U.S.) will be available in May. Also available are several accessories for the camera, including a travel case ($79 U.S.), battery booster pack $49 U.S.), and AC adaptor ($65 U.S.).
Apple’s new AppleCD 600e quadruple speed CD-ROM drive sports
data transfer rates twice that of the AppleCD 300 drives. Like its
predecessors, the AppleCD 600e is compatible with multi-session Kodak Photo CD discs, audio CDs, and 3" CDs. An internal version—the AppleCD 600i Quad-Speed—will be incorporated into new Power Macintosh systems beginning this summer. The AppleCD 600i will also be available to customers who wish to upgrade existing CD-ROM players. The AppleCD 600e carries a US. ApplePrice of $349, and is expected to be available in the U.S. and Canada in May. Customers may also purchase the AppleCD 600 as part of a new Multimedia Upgrade Kit, which includes the AppleDesign Powered Speakers II, headphones, all necessary cables and instructions for a U.S. ApplePrice of $449.
Apple has announced three new PowerPC-based Workgroup Servers. Each
model comes with AppleShare 4.1, a Power Macintosh native version of
Apple’s file and print serving software which offers twice the performance
of earlier versions. The lineup is headed by the new Workgroup Server
9150/120, which sports the fastest PowerPC CPU yet available. The WS
6150/66 and 8150/110 fill out the product line. Each model comes bundled
with a variety of productivity and administrative software including: Now Contact and Now Up-to-Date; Santorini Consulting and Design’s Server Manager; Wave Research FileWave; Adobe Acrobat Reader; and, IT Designs Viper Instant-Access. The new servers range in price from $2,549-$8,709 U.S. ($4,549-$12,049 Cdn.). AppleShare 4.1 will not be available for purchase separately. Workgroup Server owners may upgrade to AppleShare 4.1 for a nominal handling charge by calling Apple in the US. at (408) 862-3385. Power Macintosh owners running AppleShare 4.0.2 can upgrade for $199 U.S.
Apple has introduced the Apple Internet Server Solutions for the World Wide
Web. This all-in-one package includes a PowerPC-based Workgroup Server
and all software necessary to make the server accessible on the internet’s
World Wide Web. The servers include the new 6150/66, the 8150/110 and
the 9150/120 with a CD-ROM drive. The CD software includes: MacHTTP
from BIAP Systems to turn the Mac into a WWW Server; BBEdit from Bare Bones Software to create and edit pages on the Web; Netscape from Netscape Communications, a WWW Browser; AppleSearch, Apple’s information search and retrieval software; Adobe Acrobat Pro for publishing documents in the exact format they were developed; Common Gateway Interfaces that let MacHTTP interact with other applications in predesigned ways; Apple RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) Software for data protection and disk mirroring; and, AppleShare Client for Windows software. Domain Name Server software from MacDNS is expected to made available in early summer 1995. Prices for the new Apple Internet Servers are:
Workgroup Server 6150/66 (16/700/CD + software) $2,909 U.S.; $4,949 Cdn.
Workgroup Server 8150/110 (16/1000/CD + software) $5,419 U.S.; $10,349 Cdn.
Workgroup Server 9150/120 (16/2x1000/CD/DAT + sftw.) $8,209 U.S.; $12,449 Cdn.
For more info call the ABS Network Info Hotline at (408) 862-3385, or try the Web page at http//abs.apple.com.
Apple has announced price reductions and a new configuration of its
popular PowerBook 150. The price of the PowerBook 150 has been
reduced by 27% and a new configuration of the PowerBook 150,
sporting twice the hard drive capacity, has been introduced. U.S.
ApplePricing and configuration changes for the PowerBook 150 are as follows: PowerBook 150, 4MB RAM/120HD, $1,069 (was $1469); PowerBook 150, 4MB RAM/250HD, $1,229 (new configuration).
Apple has released the third update to QuickDraw GX in a little over a month. Last month, QuickDraw GX 1.1 was withdrawn nearly immediately due to a cosmetic flaw, and was replaced with version 1.1.1. Now Apple has released a four disk set of version 1.1.2 which fixes several problems found since the release of 1.1.1. Users no longer need to delete the Finder Preferences file when updating. Finder out of-memory alerts have been eliminated, and the a bug which caused Power Macs to crash when printing to networked PostScript printers has been fixed. Printing to Tektronix and Hewlett-Packard printers has also been improved. QuickDraw GX 1.1.2 can be obtain from most online services.
Apple customers no longer have to use a telephone to get their questions
about the company's products answered quickly, accurately, and directly.
"Ask Apple” will offer direct online support for all Apple products on
eWorld, the company's on-line service. Apple customers can now post a
technical question in eWorld—and get an official response from Apple
support professionals by the next business day—at no additional cost.
A like-minded service for international customers is expected soon.
Apple Canada and Adobe Systems have announced a special 60 day promotion to publishers. From April 1 through May 31, Apple will bundle Adobe Photoshop 3.0 or Adobe PageMaker 5.0 with selected 6100, 7100 and 8100 models. Each bundle includes the computer, an Apple Multiple Scan 15" or 17" Display, an Apple Design Keyboard and Photoshop 3.0 or PageMaker 5.0. Estimated street prices in Canadian dollars are as follows: Bundled Power Mac 6100 $4,6149-$5,099; Bundled Power Mac 7100 $5,719-$7,329; Bundled Power Mac 8100 $7,609-$8,419.
Apple is distributing the "Beta" version of the new MacOS networking and communications system, Apple Open Transport, to developers and select customers worldwide. The software brings a new level of networking connectivity, control, and compatibility to current Macintosh System 7 and System 7.5 customers, while preserving and enhancing built-in support for easy-to-use networking. Open Transport provides individual computer users with two important benefits. First, it makes it easy to switch from one network configuration to another. For example, a notebook computer user on the go might hook up to the Internet in various locations, each requiring a different network configuration. With Open Transport, settings for each network location can be stored in a file for easy access and use. Second, Open Transport integrates online help and active assistance, based on Apple Guide technology, to make it easy for the individual to hook up to a network without the assistance of a network manager. Other benefits are available for network managers and developers. The Open Transport software is written to take advantage of the PowerPC and provides new levels of performance. Apple plans to include support for Open Transport in the following products, as well as many unannounced products: QuickTime Conferencing, Apple Remote Access, AppleShare, PowerTalk, PowerShare, the Copland release of the Mac OS.
Apple has extended its existing Apple Multimedia Program with an Interactive
Music Track. The new track will provide essential tools, market data, useful
contacts, software updates, and invitations to industry events that specifically
relate to interactive music. A number of well known artists have already signed up, inclu- ding Ray Manzarek of The Doors and Mark Mothersbaufh of DEVO. Apple’s new interactive development tools will be made available exclusively and at no additional charge (over the program’s annual fee) to musicians who join the AMP Interactive Music Track. The annual fee is $300 U.S. For info or to receive an application kit call (408) 974-4697 or send a message to devsupport@applelink.apple.com.
Apple has announced new interactive music tools for developing titles such as enhanced audio CDs, on line virtual concerts and music videos. (An enhanced CD combines traditional audio tracks with interactive content such as animation, graphics, text and video and can be played back in both CD and CD-ROM players). The new tools include the QuickTime Music Toolkit and new multi-session driver software. The toolkit allows artists to easily combine existing media in QuickTime movies that can be played back on Macintosh and Windows personal computers. The new software is available exclusively through the Apple Multimedia Program's new Interactive Music Track (see above). The new multi session driver software allows multi-session audio CDs, such as CD Plus discs, to be mounted in multisession- compatible CD-ROM drives. (CD Plus is an enhanced CD format being developed by Sony Philliips and endorsed by the Recording Industry Association of America.) The new driver will be bundled with all new Macintosh computers before year end.
QuickTime Continuum is Apple’s new World Wide Web server dedicated
to making it possible for consumers to download and view QuickTime
software-based music videos, interviews with musicians, animations,
and even games. The service will include information about the latest
interactive music titles and will feature excerpts from Warner Bros. recording artists such as Tom Petty, REM and Van Halen. QuickTime Continuum will be Apple’s first use of the Internet payment system developed by First Virtual which allows buyers with credit cards to securely purchase information over the Internet. The World Wide Web address for QuickTime Continuum is http://quicktime.apple.com.
Apple has announced the Apple New Media Forum: World Tour ’95 to be cosponsored by WIRED Magazine. This two day event will tour four cities worldwide to educate audiences about the benefits and possibilities of the new interactive music technologies. The Tour is scheduled for Cannes, France (May 3-4); Los Angeles, California (June 5-6); New York (June 14-15),; and, Tokyo (date to be announced). Speakers will include: James Burke, television host and author; Peter Gabriel, musician; Michael Backes, screenwriter of Jurassic Park; Brett Leonard, director of “The Lawnmower Man” and “Hideaway”; executives from Apple, Adobe, Macromedia, Radius; and editors from the world’s leading new media publications. Cost for participants is $600 U.S. In the U.S. and Canada call (800) 260-9099 and in Europe 33-93-39-74-39.
Apple wishes it to be known that many record labels and artists are using
Apple Technologies for interactive music. Labels that are developing enhanced
CDs include: American Recordings; Nettwerk Production/Arista Records; Sony
Music Entertainment; Elektra Entertainment; and Warner Bros. Records. Artists
and bands using Apple tools and technologies include: Ace of Base; Deee-Lite; Love and Rockets; Sarah McLachlan; Moby; Tom Petty; Skinny Puppy; R.E.M.; Squeeze; and Van Halen.